This topic kind of relates to my last post in a way that deals with visitor restrictions. However this more deals with how they are enforcing and implementing the restrictions.
The ID swipe. I think it's a good idea for what its used for, and then a bad idea for the extra money they had to spend just to make sure we didn't have visitors. Let me explain. The RA's working the front desk ask everyone to swipe in their ID to make sure we actually live in the building. I'm sure some people try and sneak in their friends or what not but they'll most likely get caught with having to swipe in their ID and it shows that they live in a different building. Knowing this, kids won't even bother trying to get their friends in and instead go meet up somewhere else.
Furthermore, students have to scan their ID at the front doors first to even open the doors. In other words, students can't open the doors to dorms if they don't live there. All the swiping at the front desk to make sure we live there is doing nothing except making us swipe in twice every time we enter our dorms. Especially if most of us walk in by ourselves coming back from class or getting food, there is no possible way for us to even open the door if we didn't live there. Most of the time it is a burden, as for me I usually come back with food and have to put it all down to get my ID out.
I am overexaggerating a little on how much of a burden and waste of money it is since it is only an extra minute or two out of my day and only one small swiping machine in each of the housing dorms. I think my point when trying writing this was just to show how much the University is doing to keep the virus in check when they don't need to do this much. If people continue to go out off campus they will probably contract the virus eventually if they haven't already. No amount of on-campus restrictions will keep college students from being college students.